New "Best States for Green Homes" Rankings Unveiled for 2024

St. Paul, MN – January 2, 2024 – Which states boast the most environmentally friendly and energy-efficient homes? The latest insights are revealed in the 2024 edition of the "Best States for Green Homes" report by

Key Finding:

Washington leads the 2024 "Best States for Green Homes" rankings. This achievement is due to its low energy consumption per household and a high percentage of electricity from renewable sources, leading to reduced CO2 emissions per MBTU.

To see the rankings and data sources for the rest of the states, please find the report here:


1.    Initial Filter: Top 25 States for Home Energy Efficiency

Objective: To ensure the rankings only feature states with above average home energy efficiency.

Method: All states were initially ranked by their average annual household energy efficiency, taking into account climate and home size. The top 25 states were then shortlisted for further evaluation.

2.    Ranking: CO2 Emissions per MBTU

Objective: To identify the states with the lowest environmental footprint regarding carbon emissions from energy consumption.

Method: The shortlisted 25 states were ranked by their CO2 emissions per MBTU, with lower emissions signaling reduced environmental impact and thus earning a higher rank.

Note: The household energy consumption mix and the state’s utility mix, renewable energy generation vs. fossil fuels, were both considered to create the average CO2 emissions per MBTUs per household in each state.


We hope this report serves as a catalyst, encouraging both residents and state energy policymakers to further enact measures that yield greener homes.’s mission is to enhance energy efficiency and sustainable practices across the United States. Through research, advocacy, and raising public awareness, we strive to cultivate an environmentally conscious and energy-resilient nation.

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John Horchner